Wednesday 5 November 2014


Any suggestion what this might be? (I know its a mushroom). It was found on Hampstead Heath, London, UK.

Monday 7 July 2014

Dryad's Saddle

Interesting, understated mushroom.

  • Grows on trees.
  • Has a porous underside much like a bolette.
  • Usually found May to June.
  • Younger specimens are better than older.
From a differential point of view, Dryad's saddle can be confused with other polypores, however its distinctive top, porous underside and "meatiness" (polypores have a woody texture) make it pretty distinctive.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Foolproof Four

"The Foolproof Four" are four excellent species to begin with. Their characteristics are easily identified, and easy to remember. The Foolproof Four are: 
  • Morels
  • Chicken Mushroom
  • Chanterelles
  • Puffballs. 

I usually add Oysters and Hen of the Woods or a general bolete.

Get two good field guides, before you go out learn how to use them and read through them to familiarize yourself with their use.